HUGE congratulations to Gemma Laurelle for her excellent work in voicing the latest EVE Online expansion trailer.
It’s such a great invitation to what’s to come, in a game that’s been going strong for nearly a decade now.

HUGE congratulations to Gemma Laurelle for her excellent work in voicing the latest EVE Online expansion trailer.
It’s such a great invitation to what’s to come, in a game that’s been going strong for nearly a decade now.
You can listen to episode 4 with the incredible Cissy Jones right now, over on Apple Podcast (or wherever you prefer to get your pods)
In a delightful turn of events, I’m now working with Gemma Laurelle and Jessica Hutchinson to put together the Yes We’re Going To Go There podcast, talking with incredible folks about their personal journeys. Getting to sit down and talk with Cissy Jones was...
So I’ve mentioned the upcoming Voice Up! workout over on the Facebook page, but not over here, which is remiss of me. So here goes. Next weekend I’ll be one small part of an amazing weekend of learning for video game voice over, and it just got a whole lot more awesome!
Doug Cockle, the gent whose performance was so iconic that Henry Cavill used it as a roadmap for finding the Witcher’s voice...
The very happiest of birthdays to awesome human being, dear friend and regular collaborator Gemma Laurelle, who celebrated her birthday recently.
Here’s to this year being far better than the last, even with her incredible ability to find the positive in situations like 2020.
Now, because Gemma’s the kind of person who gives you presents on her birthday, I’ve popped the trailer for Per Aspera below. You can find Gemma’s work in there alongside...
The Vikings Now Facebook page shared this sneak peek from the trailer currently under development today. It looks bad-ASS!
Watching what regular collaborator Gemma Laurelle is achieving with this series is a constant source of inspiration for us. Can’t wait for the series to be out there for folks to enjoy.